Plant Name

Lagenandra Ovata

Common name

Lagenandra ovata (There might not be a widely recognized common name for this species)

Sciencetific name

Lagenandra ovata


The conservation status of Lagenandra ovata is not currently assessed as it is commonly cultivated for aquarium use.


Lagenandra ovata is a captivating aquatic plant admired for its unique and elegant appearance. It features elongated, lance-shaped leaves with distinctive wavy margins, creating a visually appealing display in aquariums. The plant's foliage can vary in color from deep green to reddish-brown, depending on the specific variety and environmental conditions.


Lagenandra ovata is native to parts of India and Sri Lanka, where it can be found in marshy areas and along riverbanks.


As Lagenandra ovata is commonly cultivated and propagated for aquarium use, it is not facing any significant threats in terms of conservation. Its popularity as an aquarium plant ensures a stable supply without impacting wild populations.


Lagenandra ovata is a sought-after choice among planted aquarium enthusiasts due to its unique leaf shape and coloration. It thrives in moderate to bright lighting and prefers nutrient-rich substrate for robust growth and vibrant leaf colors. Regular trimming of older leaves and nutrient supplementation can help maintain the plant's health and attractiveness. Propagation of Lagenandra ovata can be achieved through division, where new plants can be separated from the parent plant and replanted elsewhere in the aquarium.

Conservation efforts

As Lagenandra ovata is primarily cultivated for the aquarium trade and not collected from the wild, specific conservation efforts focused solely on this species are not required. However, responsible cultivation practices and support for aquatic plant nurseries contribute to the conservation of biodiversity by reducing pressure on wild plant populations. Please note that the information provided is based on the template and general knowledge about Lagenandra ovata up to September 2021. For the most up-to-date information, it is advisable to refer to recent sources and scientific literature.